Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Inspiration

As I mentioned during the warm up question in class, I'm inspired by old episodes of The Simpsons. Something about the timing and absurdity just makes me smile. Years later, I find myself laughing at an episode I hadn't seen in years. It's still fresh and funny, and I can't help but laugh out loud. No other show makes me laugh so loudly.

Honestly, a lot of comedy really makes me inspired, but I feel that The Simpsons has been a source of inspiration for all my favorite comedians and TV shows. An episode of South Park deals with the idea that any funny idea that you can think of, The Simpsons has done it first, and better.

They recently announced that this season of The Simpsons is that last one. I'm a little sad, but I'm positive The Simpsons will continue to inspire and make people laugh for years. It's the father of all animated sitcoms, and I can't wait for it to be picked up for syndication by a cable network so it can inspire more people. Hopefully it will show those Family Guy fans what real comedy looks like!

I find myself saying things that I can't remember where I heard it from. I go all day thinking about it, and when I remember where it came from, it is of course from The Simpsons. Every old episode is packed from top to bottom with memorable lines and back and forth between characters. Some one across the room can say something from some obscure episode, and any Simpsons fan can jump in and laugh and remember with them.

The word 'D'oh', the phrases 'aye caramba' and 'howdily doodilly', they've all penetrated our culture, because The Simpsons inspires all of our creative people, and for that I'm glad. I can't imagine a world where yellow people with bulging eyes don't make me laugh madly. Thanks for all the laughs Simpsons family. You we be sorely missed.

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