Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Internship is almost here.

It's a matter a week and half, and then internship will be here. I expect a lot of troubleshooting, rebooting, and imaging right away, and probably some taking apart and rebuilding of computers.

It's a very anxious time. I have no idea what sort of environment I'll be in and what will honestly be expected from me. I hope my office is cool, and nice looking, and not a sea of gray cubes. Goodness do I hope that.

I'm hoping I can pick up any hard skills needed to get the job done right. It's very nerve fraying not knowing what sort of work I'll be doing.

The most important thing to me is landing a full time position after internship, and that means leaving a great impression. My overall feeling is that when internship starts, I can leave the bookbag at home, but I have to fight that feeling, I must always be armed with pen and paper and iPhone, ready to learn and study new things I may be completely unprepared for.

I hope my manager will be understanding of the fact that as prepared as YearUp made me, there are things I've never done, but am willing to learn how to do.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Week Ago I'd Still Be Asleep Right Now

I've been back at school for 3 days now, and I'm not up to normal operating speed yet. This morning I found the most perfect sleeping position the exact same moment my alarm went off. I was heartbroken,enraged, and dreaming simultaneously.

On the bright side, I learned my final tech project is going on NewEgg and building a hypothetical PC.

I do that for fun!

Monday, January 2, 2012

That was the end. This is the start. This is the end. This is the start.

2011 is gone. This is the start of 2012. The next few weeks will be the end of the learning and development phase of my school, which marks the start of my internship.

I have nothing to say about the nitty gritty details of these events, all I can say is that I've gained some perspective on the continuing nature of time and life. Every new and exciting change is heralded by the end of the familiar, I couldn't possibly stay comfortable and expect things to get better all on their own.

These changes were initiated by me, I knew what I signed up for when I started Year Up, but it feels like the changes are also happening in spite of me. I've been groomed to be a useful, dynamic, likable and memorable intern, and while my classmates and I stand at the edge of something unknown and new, a whole new class is in the process of being placed in our newly emptied, still warm seats.

It's all sort of comforting and nerve-racking at the same time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Obligatory New Year's Post

It's 2012, and I just love the way it rolls off the tongue. (twenty-twelve, forget that clumsy two thousand business)

It's a milestone year for me, all thanks to YearUp. In about a month, I'll be working hard at my internship, where ever it may be, crossing my fingers and hoping for a long term job.

I have to say I'd never be as happy or stress free if it weren't for the program. If I hadn't joined YearUp 2011 would have been another year of inhaling gasoline fumes and getting grey hairs dealing with the minor problems of the same people everyday, just stopping by and getting their requisite fill up.

I capped off 2011 by going to school for a subject I enjoy, ripping apart and rebuilding PCs, for fun and hopefully profit. 2012 should be a banner year for me, the year I turn my nerdy hobby into a lucrative career.

I have the grades, I have the dedication, I have the drive, all I need is a touch of that 2012 luck.

Happy New Year, one and all.