I hope by now I've made it abundantly clear how much fun I'm having with this blog. I take any creative leeway I'm given on writing assignments and run with it, wildly, while giggling. I think about writing in the same manner as music, and consider any chance to write a chance at self expression, self exploration, and self amusement. If you don't like your own writing, your own thoughts, how can you go on?
Words, like notes, can be strung together in all sorts of interesting ways, ways not strictly 'proper' under the metric of the language, or on the other hand, perfectly proper, but with no grounds in reality. When Nick replied "We were eaten by bears." as an example of the correct usage of were, I had to bite down on my hand to keep myself from laughing. That sentence, while grammatically correct, will never be spoken out loud in a serious way, except by a calm, well spoken, camper's ghost.
Oh, but I digress. About me! Aside from my
potential grounds for committal wonderful, creative cognition, what else is there to say? I like the bass guitar, reading, video games, and if I don't land a tech job after Year Up, I could always try my hand at being a
poor person writer or musician.
Hopefully, it won't come to that.